Anna is a guest on Jill Bennett’s podcast, What’s A Beautiful Life Anyway?

Jill is a Women’s Health Advocate and Radio Presenter at Brooklands Radio (The Sound of Surrey)

The interview is available on Youtube and major Podcast Platforms:


Here’s the video and corresponding timestamps:


00:00 Theme intro
00:30 Intro to my guest Anna
01:25 What Anna does.
01:40 Why Anna got started on her blog.
03:15 Anna’s new blog, The Live Well Diary – why health and wellness? 05:35 5 essential areas we all need to take care of to work towards living our best and most beautiful life.
• Health and wellness
• Financial wellbeing
• Mental wellbeing
• Spiritual wellbeing
• And relationships.
06:00 Health & Wellness
07:50 Financial Wellbeing
10:15 Mental Wellbeing – books referred to: “Time and How to Spend it” by James Wallman. “Atomic Habits” by B J Fogg
12:45 Spiritual Wellbeing
15:50 Relationships and Social Wellbeing
21:35 There is much we can all do to improve our health and wellness. Still, many people just continue to suffer from health conditions that could be improved dramatically with a few minor tweaks to their diet and lifestyle – why Anna think that so many ignore the available health education?
23:05 Why are some people simply overwhelmed with the things to do and the amount of info available?
24:25 Anna is happy to guest blog and accept guest bloggers for her blog too! See contact details below.
25:25 One final helpful tip from Anna.

Images Used

Photo by Jean Balzan: