8 Ways To Motivate Your Child To Exercise

Live Well Diary Team

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Motivate Your Child To Exercise
Motivate your child to exercise to help them grow, develop, and thrive.

Children nowadays are less physically active, and it can be challenging to motivate them to be physically active. These days, kids are more inclined to spend time fixated on screens such as phones and tablets than engaging in activities.

Here are several techniques for working with your children and helping them uncover the advantages of routine physical activity. Doing so can transform an activity that might have seemed burdensome into a shared, enjoyable experience.

Staying active is good for a child’s development.

Regular physical activity, such as exercising, has many benefitsand is vital for ensuring the strength and well-being of young bodies.

Participating in activities is good because it supports the growth of muscles and bones and enhances coordination. Exercising regularly can reduce stress and boost heart health.

Multiple studies and extensive research consistently demonstrate the positive correlation between regular exercise during childhood and a reduced likelihood of developing health complications in later stages of life.

A Sedentary Lifestyle

Does it contribute to the development of health problems?

Sedentary lifestyles can be a part of childhood and adolescence.

Typically, students can get very busy and be consumed with their academic, social, and extracurricular commitments, so they won’t have time to exercise. So, when this happens, as a parent, you should motivate your child to exercise and stay active continuously.

Being continuously active is a preventive measure against health issues such as childhood obesity, diabetes, and in worse cases, heart disease.

To ensure that children’s health is positively impacted in the long run, what measures should parents implement?

How to make lazy child active? What to do if your child hates physical activity? If you aspire for your child to adopt beneficial behaviours and make well-informed choices regarding their health, it is advisable to apply the following recommendations:

Motivate Your Child To Exercise - basketball

1) Set a good example.

Show them how beneficial exercise can be, by leading with your actions. When kids witness the fun side of staying active and grasp its importance, for staying healthy they become more inclined to participate in activities themselves.

2) Use positive reinforcement.

Reward good behaviour with praise when they achieve their goals.

Encourage them in their efforts at every opportunity (even when it may not seem like much). Kids need validation from their parents more than anything else to keep up with new routines and lifestyle changes.

Motivate Your Child To Exercise - football

3) Find activities that match your child’s interests.

Help them devise creative ways of staying active outside of school or extracurricular activities, such as joining an organised sports team or taking dance classes together at a local studio or YMCA facility near your home.

Let them choose activities they enjoy doing and want to do more of.

4) Exercise as a family

Studies show that parents involved with their children’s fitness were more likely to become active. Additionally, it enables one to instill habits in children.

While playing sports with your children may seem like the most obvious approach to encourage an active lifestyle, there are various other strategies you can utilise as well. For example, you can incorporate parts of your favourite sports into an all-family game. Basketball becomes a fun game of catch for the whole family! You can also make exercise fun by adding some competition, whether racing or a contest over who can do the most squats in ten minutes.

Have fun as a family when you go walking or bike riding together. The whole family can do this together without feeling like they are not getting enough individual attention. Make it a team effort.

Engaging in activities together can also strengthen family bonds, instil a sense of duty in kids and boost confidence through achieving goals.

5) Keep it fun

Keep the mood light. Remember, you’re trying to get your kids to exercise regularly and enjoy it. Keep the mood fun by exercising with your children or making it a sibling competition.

6) Practice what you preach

Your demonstration can inspire children to be active and serve as an influence for cultivating routines in various aspects of life. When a child observes one is maintaining a diet and engaging in activity, they are inclined to embrace these practices.

A few simple ways to practice what you preach include:

  • Eating well and limiting junk food and sweets.
  • Exercising regularly yourself
  • Model the behaviour you want to see in your child. For example, if you want your kid to get plenty of sleep, ensure your child sees you getting plenty of sleep yourself.
  • Telling them stories about how exercising makes you feel good
  • Get your child active early.

7) Motivate your child to exercise by making it easy.

Since children might show reluctance to do some exercise, it is the ultimate responsibility of parents and guardians to make physical activities convenient and accessible for them.

Here are some ways:

  • Make it a game!
  • Get them moving to music.
  • Take kids out for a walk or jog instead of driving somewhere
  • Encourage kids to be active on the playground at school
  • Encourage playing sports instead of video games
Motivate Your Child To Exercise - karate

8) Make exercise a habit

Do stay motivated while assisting a child in developing an exercise routine. Maintaining consistency is just as important.

There’s an old saying by Jim Ryun: “Motivation is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going.”

Try starting small. Maybe a once-a-week walk or jog, gradually building on that over time. The key is to try other things and notice what sticks.

If a child likes playing outdoors, consider getting a dog they can walk or joining a local sports team together.

Perhaps when the children are a bit older, you can ask them if they want to run or work out with you in the mornings.

If they prefer things like video games or TV, try finding a video game that involves moving around or an exercise show for them to do along with.

If you really want to help your child, your most favourable option would be to guide them in selecting something that ignites their motivation and encourage them to give it a try!


It is within your power to influence your children’s perception of exercise and instill in them a sense of motivation.

We truly hope that you see the benefit in the range of initiatives aimed at raising awareness about the benefits of how to motivate your child to exercise.

You can shape your child’s perspective on exercise and instil the drive to stay active. Start today!

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Images Used

Photo by Kampus Production: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-people-girl-school-8941571/

Photo by KE PHUAH: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-kids-on-the-beach-13192254/

Photo by RODNAE Productions: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-and-children-playing-basketball-8337493/

Photo by RODNAE Productions: https://www.pexels.com/photo/taekwondo-athlete-bowing-his-head-7045729/



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