Coping with Anger During Times of Crisis

Live Well Diary Team

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Coping with anger is essential for preserving balance and successfully handling difficult situations. During disasters, financial downturns or health emergencies, it is common to experience emotions like frustration and anger.

This article discusses the psychology of anger, how it affects situations and discusses anger management.

Understanding Anger

Anger is a reaction to feeling threatened, mistreated, or frustrated. It can manifest in various ways, from mild irritation to explosive rage. From a different standpoint, anger is a defence mechanism indicating when something is awry or unfair. Yet if anger persists unchecked over time, it can negatively impact both physical well-being.

Effects of Anger During a Crisis

When left unchecked and we are angry, it can profoundly affect personal well-being, relationships, and decision-making abilities. Extended periods of anger can result in elevated blood pressure, heart rate and high-stress hormone levels, and can sometimes lead to health issues like heart disease and compromised immune system function.

Unregulated anger can hinder communication, spark disputes, and diminish trust. Building and nurturing relationships and having a support system are critical to successfully handling situations. People holding onto anger without resolving it can create walls between them, making collaboration and mutual support more challenging.

Moreover, feeling angry can affect the ability to make judgments and decisions, possibly resulting in careless actions. In crisis, clear-headed thinking and sound judgment are crucial for making informed choices and navigating complex situations safely.

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Coping with Anger Strategies

Fortunately, effective strategies exist for managing and coping with anger during times of crisis. These tactics aid people in identifying and controlling their reactions to anger, which helps build resilience and nurture health.

1. Recognising Triggers

The initial stage in coping with anger involves recognising triggers—these are the circumstances, occurrences or thoughts that can lead to an angry response. Being aware of these triggers enables people to foresee and get ready for situations and come up with ways to handle them proactively.

2. Practicing Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Practising mindfulness via breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help individuals soothe both the mind and body and reduce the intensity of anger reactions. By concentrating or focusing and nurturing a feeling of tranquillity, individuals can reestablish a hold on their emotions.

3. Seeking Support

In times of trouble, lean on those close (like family and friends) for guidance, empathy and encouragement. Connect with your friends, family, support network, or therapists. Asking for support can allow one to express emotions and gain alternative perspectives.

4. Finding Healthy Outlets for Anger

Discover healthy ways to express and let go of the anger rather than trying to bury or ignore. Participating in activities like working out or playing sports can be a way to release built up energy and manage feelings of aggression. Engaging in activities like writing, painting or making music are a few other ways to deal with angry emotions and simultaneously be an outlet for self-expression.

Long-term Coping Mechanisms

To handle anger effectively in a frustrating moment, implementing long-term coping mechanisms is essential for maintaining emotional resilience. These methods aim to establish lasting routines and abilities that support mental health while also decreasing the chances of anger intensifying.

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Creating a Self-Care Schedule:

Do prioritise self-care to deal with stress and manage emotions well. Crafting a self-care routine involves prioritising activities that nurture mental and emotional health.

Here are some examples:

1. Prioritising sleep: A good rest is key to controlling emotions and handling stress effectively. Try to maintain a sleep schedule and establish a bedtime routine.
2. Regular exercise: An active lifestyle can help lower stress levels and boost endorphin production. Include exercises such as walking, jogging, yoga or dancing.
3. Nourishing your body: Pay attention to food consumed and make sure the body gets nourishing meals containing fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins. Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol and processed foods as they could worsen mood swings and make one more irritable.
4. Practicing relaxation techniques: Try relaxation methods like breathing exercises, muscle relaxation or guided imagery to stay calm and lower stress levels.

Practising Assertive Communication:

Communicating by expressing feelings, establishing boundaries and limits and handling disagreements positively is imperative. Engaging in assertive communication means sharing thoughts, emotions and wants or needs in a considerate manner, avoiding both aggression and passivity. Key principles of assertive communication include:

1. Using “I” statements: Express your feelings and needs using “I” statements, such as “I feel frustrated when…” or “I need support with…”
2. Setting boundaries: Communicate limits and boundaries to those around you. Confidently express yourself if they are overstepped. It’s also important to honour the boundaries of others.
3. Active listening: Listen by paying attention to others’ viewpoints without interrupting or passing judgment. Acknowledge their emotions. Demonstrate empathy even if your views differ.
4. Negotiating solutions: Work with others to discover solutions that benefit all parties involved in conflicts or differences. Emphasise the search for shared understanding and agreements honouring everyone’s requirements and desires.

Seeking Professional Help if Necessary:

Dealing with anger in frustrating situations can be tricky. It’s totally fine to seek professional support if necessary.

Therapists, counsellors and mental health experts offer customised assistance, advice and coping mechanisms. Getting help from a therapist personally, engaging in group therapy sessions or using support platforms can create a space to explore issues, improve coping skills and cultivate resilience.


Dealing with anger requires strength, understanding oneself and taking steps to cope. People can maintain calm by understanding anger psychology, identifying triggers, and adopting constructive coping strategies to navigate challenging situations.

Feeling angry is alright, but how one responds to and copes with emotions matters. By practising mindfulness, seeking help from others, and finding ways to express oneself, one can overcome situations with inner strength, endurance, and poise.

Images Used
Photo by Jill Burrow: by cottonbro studio: by Leah Newhouse:



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