Good Debt? What is that?

Live Well Diary Team

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good debt - mortgage

Debt is a dirty word. Discussing debt can often make individuals uneasy, mainly due to the widespread economic struggles and indebtedness affecting a significant portion of the country.

Many people subscribe to the notion that reducing one’s debt can result in greater financial stability and success.

You’ve no doubt heard the old saying “Debt is the worst kind of poverty” before, and one look at how much time and effort goes into paying off loans can confirm this notion for some people. Drawing on my firsthand knowledge, allow me to assert that debt does not automatically indicate a negative situation. Specific scenarios can present opportunities for benefit instead.

Debt can be classified into two categories: good debt and bad debt.

Good debt aids in wealth accumulation through productive investment with positive returns that enriches life standards overall. Contrarily, bad credit decisions may cause significant fiscal distress, sometimes leading to depression if not adequately monitored.

Good debt is the kind of debt that’s worth taking out.

Here are some good debt examples:

Good debt is debt used for investments that have the potential to increase wealth.

It’s a loan you take out on an appreciating asset, such as real estate, stocks, or bonds.

Distinguishing between good and bad debt is essential, as the former positively impacts your net worth and future earning potential.

A mortgage

Mortgages are the best example of good debt because they offer low-interest rates, tax deductions and long-term benefits.

It’s an investment in a tangible asset.

Mortgage loans on a home allow you to own a property outright rather than pay rent forever. It gives you long-term stability and financial security.

Paying off your house is wise since it helps you build equity. It is a simple truth that as your home or piece of land becomes worth more, the monetary worth of your other possessions also experiences an upswing.

For example, if you sell your home later for more than what you initially paid (generally true), then the whole thing has been good debt. The house will have increased in value over time, making it worth more than what’s owed on the loan.

Student loans or Education loans

Covering educational expenses like tuition and textbooks with student loans is a typical approach many students use. The outcome of taking on this financial burden includes improved employment opportunities, which provide a chance at greater financial success in the future.

This is considered a good debt as this can be used to invest in yourself by increasing your knowledge and skill set. Pursuing educational opportunities can result in higher pay for those with better expertise and more experience. You can consider obtaining a loan to invest in yourself as self-improvement through education, which generates lasting benefits for your career.

good debt - business growth

Business loans

Business loans can be considered good debt because they can help start or expand a business.

You can use business loans to buy equipment or hire employees, increasing your business’s value.

For those looking to start a business venture but missing the necessary capital, applying for a business loan is an optimal solution to facilitate a successful launch and yield greater profits when client bills are settled.

How much debt is too much to handle?

It depends on if you have any debt at all. A small amount of debt may have benefits as it demonstrates your ability to successfully borrow and repay the money, displaying that you are financially responsible.

If you find that funds for buying groceries are scarce due to the burden of debt, you need to start evaluating the total amount owed and think of ways to pay it back.

It is essential to note that when one is grappling with debt and finding it challenging to pay off monthly dues, and there are consistent reminders from lenders showcasing escalated balances – it should be a big hint that you’re too deep!

Also, being mindful of warning signs like steep credit card interest rates and late payment fees can help you recognise if you are carrying too much debt. Promptly addressing these red flags can be beneficial in the long run.

Debt brings about a troubling issue where the higher it happens to be, the less authority one gets to maintain over their financial status and overall livelihood. And depending on the type of debt you’re carrying around with you—whether it’s student loans or credit card debt—that can be incredibly scary!


Good debt can provide the power to build lasting wealth, whether it’s for school, for a small business or for your home.

This type of debt is smart. You should take it out if you can manage the payments and are willing to invest the funds wisely.

We hope we’ve clarified that not all debt is wrong and that some types can be good. As you consider your debt, consider how much has helped you build wealth or earn income.

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