Inspiring creativity in your child is more challenging to do than ever before.
Why? Because kids nowadays tend to spend so much time in front of the television, tablet or computer that they don’t have time to be as creative as they used to be.
Also, kids are almost always told what to do, how to do it, and when. This often leads them to develop bad habits and gives them little opportunity for self-expression.
That’s why creativity is essential for our children today — imagination is more than just a child’s game.
A child’s imagination is essential.
When you’re young, losing yourself in your imagination is effortless. You believe that the world is full of wonder and possibility and that anything is possible if you just imagine it hard enough.
But as adults, we tend to forget the significance of imagination and creativity. We think that being able to get things done is more important than taking time to think about how we can do them better. And so, we miss out on opportunities for innovation and improvement because we don’t take the time to imagine new ways of doing things.
Creativity helps children think outside of the box.
Creativity is essential for problem-solving. It also allows children to explore all their ideas, even if the ideas seem silly or impossible to do at first glance.
This will help them see the bigger picture when trying to solve problems later in life–and that’s what creativity is all about!
Allow children to explore their creativity.
Children are naturally creative and imaginative. They want to make up stories, draw pictures, build towers with blocks and play games with their friends. We must allow them to explore their creativity without being too critical or afraid of their imaginations.
We shouldn’t stifle our child’s imagination by telling them what they should or shouldn’t do or think about–it will only make them feel like they aren’t allowed to be themselves anymore!
Encourage children to take risks with their ideas.
Don’t discourage them from trying new things.
Encourage them to explore their creativity by allowing them to take risks with their ideas and concepts, even if those risks lead down roads that may not be fruitful in the end (or at all).
Don’t be scared of them making mistakes or trying something new because it might not work out perfectly the first time. You can always try again until it does!
Learn to be open-minded when it comes to your child’s ideas.
When your child has an idea, a project, or a dream, listen to them and be supportive.
You may be afraid of your child’s imagination. You might think that if you let them explore their creativity, they will come up with crazy ideas and get themselves into trouble.
Open-mindedness doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything your kid says or does (or even consider them right). It just means that you understand that they might think differently than you do, and that’s okay.
If your child has an idea they want to try out, encourage them by asking questions like:
“What would happen if…”
“How could we make this better?”
“What do you think would happen?”
You might not like the idea initially, but if you are open-minded about it and allow your child to explore their creative side, they or they will be more likely to grow into an adult with a healthy sense of self-expression.
Don’t stifle a child’s creativity.
Don’t stifle a child’s creativity by being too critical of their ideas, even if they seem silly or impossible to you.
When your kids come up with ideas that seem impractical or impossible, try saying, “I’m not sure if that will work,” instead of “That’s silly.” Or, if it’s out there: “I don’t understand what you’re saying.” This lets them know it’s okay if they aren’t perfect at this stuff yet!
Encourage creativity in your child by asking them what they think about things around the house or at school.
This will get them thinking about things in new ways and make them see things from a different perspective—an essential skill for creative thinkers! You should also provide opportunities for your child to do creative things independently.
For example, if they like drawing, give them paints and paper so they can create artwork whenever they want!
Benefits of Inspiring Creativity in your child
1. Creativity helps children express themselves.
As parents, we know that one of the things we can do for our kids is to help them feel comfortable expressing themselves. This is true when it comes to creative expression. When we give our kids a space where they can be creative and experiment with their ideas, we’re helping them learn how to trust themselves and their instincts—this skill will serve them well as they grow older.
2. Creativity builds confidence and self-esteem in your child.
When they see their imagination turn into amazing works of art or hear people tell them how talented they are at drawing, painting, or writing stories, they’ll feel good about themselves—and that’s something that lasts a lifetime!
3. Providing creative outlets for kids to help their mental health
Creativity makes them more resilient. It teaches them how to deal with failure and overcome challenges.
It encourages them to think about their future (and develop a sense of purpose) early, which can help motivate them academically and in other areas.
4 .Creativity can improve academic performance
Research shows that creative students perform better in school, and there is a direct correlation between creativity and IQ.
Here are some of them:
Triarchic theory of intelligence [1]
Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory [2]
Children who are encouraged to be creative and think outside the box do better academically. Children who are allowed to explore their ideas tend to have higher grades than those not given these opportunities.
They also have higher test scores, leading to better employment prospects later in life.
The bottom line is that a child’s imagination sparks creativity and is crucial to their development. Take the time to inspire their vision or create opportunities for them to explore independently.
You’ll be glad you did.
[1] Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Triarchic theory of intelligence. [online] Wikipedia. Available at:
[2] Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory. [online] Wikipedia. Available at:
Images Used
Photo by Artem Podrez:
Photo by Amina Filkins:
Photo by cottonbro studio: