Letting Go and Deepening Your Faith

Live Well Diary Team

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letting go - let it go

Letting go entails giving up the urge to manage every aspect of one’s life and having faith.

This article explores surrender, the benefits, ways to let go of control, and practical techniques for incorporating surrender into daily life.

Trusting in the Higher Power

This higher power can be God, the Universe, or any spiritual force one believes in. Letting go involves acknowledging that there are forces outside our understanding and control and accepting that our power is limited—an act of faith and trust in the divine plan.

Differentiating between surrender and giving up is important. Giving up is commonly linked with defeat, acceptance or lack of success. It suggests hopelessness and not trying. Surrender, however, involves deciding to release our self-centred wants and concerns. Believing in something other than ourselves and trusting that a guiding force shapes our lives shows strength and faith.

Trust is the cornerstone of surrender. Without trust, letting go becomes nearly impossible. Faith in a higher force or power offers solace through this reassurance – that we are not going through life’s obstacles solo and that someone is guiding us during the journey. This trust allows one to let go of the sense of control and welcome the future with assurance and peace.

The Spiritual and Psychological Benefits of Letting Go

Increased Inner Peace and Reduced Anxiety

Letting go can lead to a sense of peace within ourselves. When we release the urge to oversee every result, we liberate ourselves from the concern and stress of micromanaging every part of our existence. Giving in enables us to embrace the having faith that what lies ahead will reveal itself as it should.

Enhanced Spiritual Growth and Connection to a Higher Power

Surrender deepens our spiritual journey, enhancing our connection to a higher power. By acknowledging our limitations and trusting the divine, we open ourselves to spiritual guidance and wisdom. This connection gives a sense of purpose and direction, enriching our faith and spiritual practices.

Greater Emotional Resilience and Mental Clarity

Releasing control helps us develop strength. Embracing surrender means acknowledging that obstacles and disappointments are inherent in life. This acceptance enables us to navigate difficulties with grace and strength rather than resistance and frustration. Additionally, surrendering our worries and fears clears our minds, allowing for greater mental clarity and focus.

letting go - let it be

The Process of Letting Go

One of the stages of moving on involves recognising the aspects of our lives that we cling to excessively. These could manifest in our connections with others, professional paths, overall well-being, or personal beliefs. Think about the aspects of your life where you continually seek to have things under control or experience levels of anxiety and stress. These situations often signal the importance of letting go and surrendering.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Use mindfulness and meditation techniques to enhance awareness of thoughts and emotions. These methods can assist in recognising the desire for control without judgment and making room for releasing it.

Prayer and Reflection: Pray and reflect. Seek guidance and support from your higher power. Express your desire to surrender and ask for the strength to release your fears and worries.

Journaling and Self-Examination: Jot down reflections and emotions. Keeping a journal can assist in working through feelings and understanding what you are letting go.

Patience and Self-Compassion During the Letting Go Process

Letting go demands patience and self-care. Treat the process with gentleness. Acknowledge that dealing with obstacles and resistance is part of it. Acknowledge and appreciate the achievements as they signify your continuous growth in faith with every forward movement.

letting go - let go let God

How to Overcome Common Obstacles When Trying to Let Go

Fear of the Unknown and the Feeling of Losing Control

Embracing change involves entering uncertain territory, and sometimes, letting go can leave us feeling immobilised. It is essential to acknowledge and work through these fears, understanding that surrendering does not mean chaos but rather a different kind of order—one guided by faith.

Doubts and Wavering Faith

Doubts are a natural part of the spiritual journey. Sometimes, we question our faith, especially when faced with difficulties. Establishing rituals and finding guidance from others in a religious community can assist in managing uncertainties and reinforcing one’s determination.

Social and Cultural Pressures to Maintain Control and Independence

Society often values control and independence, viewing them as signs of strength and success. These cultural pressures can make surrender seem like a weakness. To truly grasp letting go, one must display trust and faith. Surround yourself with people who appreciate and uphold your beliefs.

The Importance of Community and Support Networks

Belonging to a community where you can openly discuss challenges and successes provides a feeling of connection and shared encouragement. Faith-based support groups, in particular, can provide spiritual guidance and encouragement.

Regular participation in faith-based activities and services reinforces the practice of surrender. Attending religious services, engaging in communal prayers, and participating in spiritual retreats deepen your faith and commitment to letting go.

Faith leaders are instrumental in guiding individuals on the journey of surrender. They can provide spiritual teachings, offer personalised counsel, and create a supportive environment for their congregation. Support groups that are rooted in faith can offer direction and motivation.

During challenging times, reaching out to those trusted for guidance and advice is essential. It could be a mentor or a spiritual guide. Their perspective and support can help overcome obstacles and stay focused on the journey towards acceptance.

To reiterate, building a network of support within one’s faith community is invaluable. A network like this may include church members, peers from support groups and spiritual guides. Having a varied group of people to rely on forms a support system that can help during change moments, and they also share in one’s successes.


The power of surrender is found in its capacity to change lives through releasing control and strengthening belief.

One can achieve deep inner tranquillity and spiritual development by understanding how to let go, appreciating its advantages and integrating strategies into routines.

Letting go is a courageous act of faith.

Images Used

Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-christian-themed-illustration-8383681/

Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-let-go-slogan-spelled-with-letter-dice-on-white-background-8407015/

Photo by Thirdman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/acceptance-message-against-a-pink-background-5981367/



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