The 5 Best Ways To Stop Procrastinating


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Stop procrastinating. Later post-it and clock.

What is Procrastination?

In today’s world, many of us encounter the issue of procrastination, which can impede our success and result in various problems.

According the Cambridge Dictionary, it is “the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring.”

Allowing tasks to linger and postponing action are the results of procrastination. This behaviour can hinder advancement, utilise precious time inefficiently and miss meeting deadlines.

For those seeking greater efficiency and productivity, try these five proven methods for conquering procrastination:

1) Identify your triggers.

Fear, anxiety or boredom can all potentially cause procrastination to occur. Obtaining insight into one’s triggers and the resulting emotion-based responses is crucial to self-awareness.

For example, if you’re putting off working on something because it’s too difficult for you to understand all the concepts involved without having any practical experience with them yet (which is perfectly normal), then perhaps taking some time to find out about this thing would be helpful before going back at it again!

2) Figuring out the emotions behind why you are procrastinating.

Fear of failure

A sensation of dread surrounding potential failure can often lead one to avoid addressing the matter until it becomes urgent.

You tend to do this so that it won’t be as big of an issue if something goes wrong because it’s not like anyone will notice anyway!

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Feeling overwhelmed

When tasks become overwhelming or overly intricate, individuals may struggle to maintain motivation and risk abandoning their initial goals.

Lack of interest

At times, we may inadvertently neglect to prioritise the importance of our current duties, resulting in us searching for alternative distractions.

3) Let us recognise that procrastination is more an emotional obstacle rather than a failure in time management.

It’s often challenging to accept procrastination’s reality given the societal conditioning that portrays it as an inadequacy in handling time appropriately.

Nevertheless, this viewpoint only scratches the surface. The roots of procrastination lie deeper and are based on emotional reactions rather than organisational abilities – making them all the more challenging to overcome.

Putting off work can contribute to a sense of guilt or anxiety regarding the unfinished task, prompting us to postpone it even more in an effort to evade these emotions.

If procrastination frequently impacts your productivity, it might suggest an underlying psychological issue- depression or anxiety– which needs attention too. You should consider talking to your healthcare provider about this behaviour pattern so they can evaluate whether there are other warning signs related to sleep disturbances or a lack of drive that require further investigation.

And here’s the thing about habit-forming procrastinating behaviours: They only worsen over time! The longer you choose not to complete that project at work or ignore your personal health goals (exercising more often), the harder it becomes for you to resist temptation in the future when faced with similar tasks. So if you’re fighting against procrastination today, start by making small changes so that they become less daunting—and set yourself up for success tomorrow!

4) Break a big project down into small parts.

For better productivity levels, it’s important to ensure that tasks are reduced to their bare minimum.

If you’re trying to bake a cake for a family get-together, don’t break down your work into “crack eggs into a bowl” and “add flour and sugar until smooth.” Instead, make each step small enough to complete in five minutes or less—and then do it!

Taking a break from your chores won’t cause any hindrance since you can easily finish them within a few minutes when you resume later in the day.

Given the example above, several steps are involved in baking a cake. Consider breaking these up into both general and individual tasks:

General Task: Preparation
Buy ingredients
Measure out all ingredients before starting.

General Task:  Cooking
Mix the batter well.
Add chocolate chips.
Roll balls and place on baking sheet.
Set your oven to bake at precisely 300°F and cook for roughly fifteen minutes. Keep an eye out for that perfect golden-brown hue that indicates a desirable level of doneness.

General Task: Presentation
Put frosting
Design with flowers or fruit


5) Stop Procrastinating by prioritising the most difficult tasks.

Prioritisation is the best way to stop procrastinating.

A useful method for identifying which tasks demand your immediate attention involves reflecting on the ramifications of failing to complete each respective assignment.

It is advisable to consider the consequences before abandoning a task to avoid possible issues in both personal and business undertakings. This serves as a preventive measure against detrimental outcomes that may arise from such actions.

Here are a few simple things you can do:

Prioritise by urgency. To make the most of your time, start by completing critical tasks that demand immediate attention before proceeding with tomorrow’s workload. This systematic approach will help you prioritise better, ensuring crucial work isn’t delayed or overlooked.

Lastly, prioritise by difficulty. It’s possible for a task to appear overwhelming upon initial examination, but dividing it into less complex steps can make it achievable in a shorter period.


The tendency to procrastinate is something that many people face, but it does not have to define our behaviour forever.

You can fight back against procrastination and get things done by identifying your triggers, figuring out the emotions why you are procrastinating, breaking a big project down into small parts, prioritising the most difficult tasks and prioritising yourself.

Avoid delaying tasks that can be accomplished right away. Commence a proactive approach to your work and stop procrastinating as of today!

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