Friendships are meant to provide joy, support, and companionship; toxic friendships are quite the opposite. Sometimes, not all friendships are good. There are instances where friendships can turn sour, making one feel exhausted and unhappy and causing one to doubt one’s value. One common element in friendships that is toxic is jealousy.
In toxic friendships, jealousy can show up in many forms. Examples are subtle digs, passive aggressive actions, or even clear attempts at manipulation and sabotage. This article piece explores signs of toxic friendships, roots of jealousy, and setting boundaries.
Signs of Toxic Friendships
Here are some common indicators that your friendship may be toxic:
Constant criticism: A toxic friend might frequently criticise you, your decisions, and your achievements. They could deliver remarks masked as jests or present compliments that carry insults.
Competitiveness: When friends constantly need to compete with you, it might indicate jealousy. They could be feeling insecure about your achievements. Also, they always feel the urge to outdo you at every opportunity.
Lack of support: A toxic friend might not be there in one’s times of need. They might try to bring you down or make fun of your dreams.
Undermining your achievements: An envious friend might not like your achievements. They may often attempt to claim credit for your triumphs.
Manipulative behaviour: Jealousy might cause someone to act manipulatively. A friend could resort to tactics like using guilt, instilling fear or other methods to influence and control a relationship with you.
Understanding Jealousy in Friendships
Friendships should be built on trust, support, and celebrating each other’s successes. Occasionally, jealousy may arise when one feels overshadowed by the achievements of another.
Why does this happen?
Insecurity: Insecurity arises in a friendship when one feels unsure or lacks confidence in themselves or their connection with their friend. Feelings of jealousy, not measuring up, and the worry of losing a friendship are consequences of insecurity.
When someone feels unsure about a friendship, they might frequently look for validation from their friend, worry about being replaced or overlooked, and unfavourably measure themselves against their friend. This situation could lead to tension and stress in the friendship since the one who feels insecure might start relying on the other for reassurance and help.

Low self-esteem: Struggling with self-belief, these friends often measure their worth against others, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Seeing how well they’re doing could make one feel envious and uncertain about oneself.
Comparison: Comparing oneself frequently can trigger jealousy. People might feel inadequate and constantly find themselves in your shadow.
Feeling overshadowed: At times, one friend might experience a sense of being overshadowed by the other. This situation can arise if one friend becomes more successful, popular or accomplished than the other. A friend who hasn’t accomplished much may feel like they’re constantly playing catch up, causing them to experience jealousy and resentment.
Fear of being left behind: Jealousy often arises in friendships due to the worry of being left behind. When a friend achieves success or gains popularity, their friend might fear being overlooked or left behind.
Impact of jealousy on friendships
Feeling envious can really harm your relationships with friends. It can break down trust, hurt your self-worth, block development, and create a toxic atmosphere.
When a friend harbours envy, it can lead to an environment characterised by rivalry and bitterness. Rather than celebrating successes, friends may try to one-up or tear each other apart. This situation may result in a breakdown of communication, trust, and, ultimately, the friendship bond.
Jealousy not only harms the bond of friendship but also impacts the mental and emotional health of the envious friend. Feeling inadequate and constantly measuring oneself against others can result in emotions of depression, anxiety and diminished self-esteem.

Setting Boundaries
Here are some tips for setting boundaries with a jealous friend:
1. Identify your limits: Understanding your limits is essential before establishing boundaries. Consider what actions you find tolerable and those you do not.
2 Communicate openly: Once boundaries are identified, communicate them clearly and assertively. Communicate how their actions impact your emotions and communicate your expectations for the future.
3. Be assertive: It’s crucial to assert oneself when establishing boundaries, even if it feels awkward. Remember to stand firm and confidently communicate your needs without hesitation. Don’t shy away from advocating and asserting limits when needed.
4. Be prepared for possible outcomes: Setting boundaries may not always be well-received. A friend may react with anger, defensiveness, or even hostility. Be prepared for these reactions and stand firm in your boundaries regardless.
Dealing with Jealous Friends
If you suspect that your friend is jealous of you, there are several steps you can take to address the issue:
Have honest conversations with friends. Share with them how their actions impact the friendship and allow them to clarify their intentions.
Show friends that you’re there for them. Offer support and empathy, and listen whenever your friends need someone to talk to.
If envy is causing issues in a relationship, consider contacting a counselor for support. Seeking guidance or help from an expert or professional can assist in challenging circumstances and help in decision-making for the best action.
There are moments when a friendship proves to be beyond repair regardless of the effort you put into it. If a friend cannot change their behaviour, it may be time to let go and move on.
Having friends who bring negativity can affect one’s emotional health. It’s important to determine the warning signs of toxic friendships. By recognising boundaries, having conversations and staying ready for scenarios, one can shield from envy’s harmful impacts and nurture positive, caring relationships.
One deserves to be surrounded by friends who uplift and not tear you down.
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Photo by Tobi:
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