Superstition is a practice followed to give luck or prevent bad luck. It is perhaps the most prevalent of human beliefs and is found in all societies worldwide. There are a lot of common superstitions from around the world.
They are generally harmless but can also harm our health and well-being if they become part of our daily lives.
This blog will discuss superstition’s positive and negative impacts on our modern lives.
Superstition is the belief in supernatural forces or practices that are scientifically not proven. The superstitions we have today are passed on from generation to generation.
They are commonly associated with religion but can also be found in less religious cultures. They often involve fear of bad luck and fear of the unknown.
There are many superstitions that people believe in, such as knocking on wood to prevent bad luck or throwing salt over one’s shoulder to avoid a curse or some weird superstitions like whistling indoors invites demons. Superstition can also be seen in sports, where athletes perform rituals before games or competitions.
Positive Impacts of Superstitions
The positive impacts of superstition include providing comfort. Providing a sense of control over something in your life. It can be seen as a belief that something greater than us exists that we can’t always see. They sometimes gives you the feeling that someone or something is watching over you and protecting you from harm, even when you can’t feel it yourself. For example, wearing of protective amulets or keeping good luck charms.
It gives hope that things will work out well even when they seem impossible or difficult at first glance. For example, carrying around a good-luck charm may or may not bring you the desired results you’re seeking, but you can’t deny that it gives you hope. You’re giving yourself an extra push toward success by believing that something as simple as an object could be your secret weapon in making things happen.

They are not just limited to individuals either. They can also be held by groups (such as a sports team) if enough people adopt those superstitious beliefs. It sometimes help encourage teamwork among teammates because they all share similar superstitions.
Whether it be a baseball team stepping on the baselines before every game or the football team always wearing the same socks. Team members who share certain superstitions can help each other get through rough patches of play and even spur others on when they need extra motivation during crucial plays in the game. These shared superstitions can also help keep players calm and collected when facing pressure-filled situations [1].
They can also help us feel more confident in our lives. If a specific superstition has helped you in the past, it may be helpful to turn to it again when you need some extra confidence. For example, if you think of an object as lucky, such as a rabbit’s foot or a four-leaf clover, holding onto that object could give you an extra boost when things are tough.
Negative Impacts of Superstitions
Superstitions also keep us from thinking critically about the situations we’re in. They allow us to point fingers at others and claim that we’ve been wronged by factors outside our control instead of taking responsibility.
When people believe in them, they may become more dependent on their rituals rather than trusting their judgment. They might also end up missing out on great opportunities for fun or improving themselves because of an irrational belief.
They can give people an excuse for failure. They can create a false sense of security because they give people an easy way to explain why something didn’t go the way they wanted. They claim it was due to bad luck rather than their own actions. After all, who wants to admit that something went wrong because they did something wrong?
Some studies have found that people prone to superstitions tend to be anxious about everyday events, like making plans or leaving for vacation.[2] Worrying about whether something wrong will happen can cause unnecessary stress.
They can come with a risk of gradually becoming obsessed with them and letting them take control over our lives. They can cause stress.
When people believe in superstitions, they may feel stressed out by fearing something terrible will happen because they didn’t follow a particular superstition or perform a specific action or routine. People affected by this type of stress may not be able to get anything done because they’re too busy worrying about what could go wrong if they don’t adhere to the superstition. Sometimes, when someone is stressed by a superstition, the stress can become so intense that it affects their physical health.
The belief in them can also hurt your self-image as it suggests that you can’t control your life or what happens to you, which takes away your sense of power, strength and ability to cope with challenges in life.
When people are very superstitious, they tend to worry about many things that might happen in their lives but not about events that won’t happen.
This means that people who believe in many superstitions tend to worry too much about things that may never happen or are extremely unlikely to happen. This kind of thinking removes the happy moments as you keep thinking about all the bad things that may occur.
Superstitions are a natural part of human nature and can be entertaining. Superstitions aren’t inherently wrong but can keep you from accomplishing your dreams if you let them. They exist because we want patterns in the world around us, even though they may not exist. We’re afraid of change, and superstitions allow us to cling to an old experience even though it’s no longer productive.
It’s important to remember that they’re only harmless when they don’t adversely affect your life.
[1] Ofori, Patrick. (2012). The role of superstition among professional footballers in Ghana. Athletic Insight, 4(2), 115-126.. athleticinsight. 4. 115-126.
[2] Mandal, F.B. (2018). Superstitions: A Culturally Transmitted Human Behavior. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, [online] 8(4), pp.65–69. Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2022].
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